Publishing templates

Anyone can publish their template to the online registry. All you need is an account and a valid template to publish. Let’s walk through the steps of how to publish a template.

Create an account

You need an account to be able to publish your template online, so the first thing we need to do is to create an account. There are two ways you do that:

  1. Use the CLI tool
  2. Use the website (work in progress)

Using the CLI tool

To create an account using the CLI tool, we’ll be using the signup command. It takes two arguments - username and a password.

The order of arguments matter. Username has to be first and password second. Be careful not to switch them up and create an account with your password for username.

Using the signup and login commands

vendor/bin/mtrgen signup username password
# Or a slightly shorter syntax
vendor/bin/mtrgen sign username password

If no account with the username you provided already exists, your account will be created and you can now login:

vendor/bin/mtrgen login username password
# Or a slightly shorter syntax
vendor/bin/mtrgen in username password

This will log you in for 24 hours by default. You can change the duration by providing the --duration option (or -d for short) with the amount of hours you want to stay logged in. Provide 0 to stay logged in forever (not recommended).

vendor/bin/mtrgen login username password --duration=48
vendor/bin/mtrgen login username password -d 48
# Or to never get logged out
vendor/bin/mtrgen login username password -d 0

Now that your account is created and you’ve successfully logged in, it’s time you finally publish your template.

Publish your template

Publishing a template is as simple as just running a single command:

vendor/bin/mtrgen publish --path=path/to/your/template.json
# Or a shorter alias
vendor/bin/mtrgen pub -p path/to/your/template.json

Alternatively if you want to publish a template you already have saved in your local store, just provide the template name instead of the --path option, like this:

vendor/bin/mtrgen publish my-template

If you don’t provide any arguments/options (name nor path), the program will show you a list of all the templates you have saved in your local store and you can choose a template to publish from that list.

After you publish the template, the identifier for the template will be constructed from your username and the name field inside your template file.


So if your username is hunter2 and you have set the name inside your template to be my-cool-template, the identifier under which it will be available to others after publishing will be hunter2/my-cool-template.